
At 9 months old, LENNY offers the perfect balance between the playfulness and curiosity of a kitten and the calm and sense of self-preservation of a seasoned house cat. He isn’t going to climb your curtains or inadvertently take a swim in your open toilet, but he also isn’t going bask in the sun or lounge on the sofa all day.

Although initially a little cautious around strangers, Lenny is the most loving little cat once you earn his trust. In fact, once you do, you may have difficulty shaking him. You’ll know you’ve won him over when he starts nibbling ever so softly on your fingers.

If Lenny sounds like the right feline companion for you, please, don't make him wait another day! And check out his sister, Lana, too. These two absolutely adore each other and would love to find a home together. They promise to keep themselves entertained when you’re out.